Holding a mirror up to ourselves using the enneagram...
28-30 June, 2019
If you're a:
or human interested in understanding yourself better and developing more harmonious relationships with family, co-workers, yourself, neighbours, people in your communities,
this retreat is for you.
Used in business and different religious traditions, the enneagram looks at different patterns of thinking, feeling and behaviour which stems from our different motivations. From the Greek words 'ennea' (9) & 'grammos' (a symbol) this is an ancient system which goes beyond culture, nationality, religion & gender to help us look at and understand our personalities better[1].
Suitable if you are new to the Enneagram or
you want to encounter new resources join us for a weekend at Fosterton Retreat:
Imagine building a balancing rock tower, using lovely rounded rocks on the edge of the beautiful Williams river and see through the lens of someone else's eyes, as you realise how differently others might do it....
Sit and watch the sunset in quiet restfulness and contemplation, focusing on drawing on the good qualities each of you have that already exist....
Gather together under the stars to dream, as we learn from each other's different patterns of thinking, feeling and acting....
Allow your own narrative to take shape as you look through the lens of the enneagram....
Look at "Becoming the change you want to see in your world" (Apparently not by Gandhi*)
Listen to the narratives of Max and Bronwyn who have been using and learning about the enneagram for over 20 years...
Pick a hat and use it as a metephor for you....
Hear about how people found gold in the goldmines of the area, just as you will find gold in your desire to be a transformational person....
Enjoy healthy simple meals that nourish your body while we nourish your soul.
I'd like to understand people better but isn't something like this just putting me in a box?
No, using the enneagrams you will better understand the box you have already put yourself in and will be looking at resources to help, so instead of being fixed in a rigid system we draw on so much more to see the world and relate to ourselves and each other.
Psychologist and enneagram teacher Jerry Wagner talks about this......
Relationships are the backbone of our lives and our ways of operating influence them all, so if:
You wonder why you experience life differently to others,
You want to grow as a person and understand yourself and others better,
Would like to see more harmony and less conflict, in relationships at home or work.
You'd like to help others understand themselves better,
Find yourself getting stuck in repeated not so helpful behaviour and want to break out of that,
You would like to be a change agent in a messy world, come along and use the enneagram to do that...
Your experience starts Friday 7pm...
ends Sunday 2pm, after lunch (42 hours)
Over the weekend we will use narrative, experiences, discussions, creative exercises, and times of reflection, to understand ourselves better using aspects of the Enneagram within the beauty of 100 acres at Fosterton Retreat. When you leave you will be encouraged and supported to apply these insights for personal transformation and growth.
Your investment includes:
43 hours at Fosterton Retreat,
4 sessions of self discovery
ah-ha moments and laughter,
accommodation in Fosterton House,
2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, 1 dinner
a one-on-one direction session,
Deeper understanding of yourself
and Meeting with like-minded pilgrims.
​Only $480 for a full weekend retreat for one
$860 for a couple in Fosterton House or
customize your retreat in one of our cabins (see our rates page)
Want to know more?
For those who like a bit more information, you can watch psychologist Jerry Wagner give an overview with Daphne Scott on her leadership webishow
or visit The Enneagram institute for 'How the Enneagram system works" but be aware it was always an oral tradition so reading about it will only suit some people.
This retreat is run by Bronwyn & Max Greive. We have been using the enneagram for over 20 years now and recently updated our training with Jerry Wagner. Visit our FAQs page to find out more about us, or email or phone us to explore if this retreat is a good fit for you: fostertonretreat@outlook.com or 0439 500 909