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Wrapping up ...

It would be great before planning for a new year to reflect on the one that’s been!


As the year rolls to a close, join us spending time doing things that some of the world's best leaders do:

Contemplative exercises to reflect on & review the year with an attitude of gratitude,  freeing & equipping us to look ahead.


When Donald Schön wrote his book on reflection in 1987 he probably didn't realise how far reaching his ideas would go- health care, teaching, students, designers, researchers, business, leadership, the list is long of areas where they recognise and try to embed reflective practice.


What can I expect?

  • Gentle facilitation 

  • Quiet                      

  • Ah-ha moments(insights)                   

  • Laughter                           

  • Meeting other people prepared to reflect        

  • A day away from the daily demands 

  • ​Reflecting on the year as it passes,                              

  • Expressing gratitude for good things, 

  • Acknowledging difficulties in 2023,                           

  • Saying goodbye to the year that has been,    

  • Learning from nature

  • And using some creativity (no artistic talent required-truly)    


​So you can be ready for 2024-  to plan, to say 'yes' to some things and 'no' to others,  ready for whatever the next year throws out & freedom to dream.


 Saturday 9th December 10–3pm, 2023


Your investment is $100,

A light lunch is included


Max & Bronwyn will guide you in a range of ways to travel through the day.

​To find out more about Bronwyn & Max's training, worldviews and experience visit ABOUT US


"I believe that evaluated reflection turns experience into insight" John Maxwell on reflection and leadership.

A gratitude practice trains the brain to be more in tune with experiencing gratitude — a positive plus a positive, equals more positives. 


You might not float in the river like Max, but we will use nature as a way to reflect.

If this resonates for you, then put aside this one day to join us to take stock before rushing into the Christmas season & be more ready to meet a new year.

What have you noticed since?

I am actually a lot calmer, even in the midst of my current crisis I am calm...


Some feedback from last year's Wrapping Up.

I have noticed the sense of gratitude if I sit and reflect .. and the opportunities available - D

Still more questions? Then let's chat.

Max 0490 663 228 Bronwyn 0439 500 909

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