Wrapping up ...
It would be great before planning for a new year to reflect on the one that’s been!
As the year rolls to a close, join us spending time doing things that some of the world's best leaders do:
Contemplative exercises to reflect on & review the year with an attitude of gratitude, freeing & equipping us to look ahead.
When Donald Schön wrote his book on reflection in 1987 he probably didn't realise how far reaching his ideas would go- health care, teaching, students, designers, researchers, business, leadership, the list is long of areas where they recognise and try to embed reflective practice.
What can I expect?
Gentle facilitation
Ah-ha moments(insights)
Meeting other people prepared to reflect
A day away from the daily demands
​Reflecting on the year as it passes,
Expressing gratitude for good things,
Acknowledging difficulties in 2023,
Saying goodbye to the year that has been,
Learning from nature
And using some creativity (no artistic talent required-truly)
​So you can be ready for 2024- to plan, to say 'yes' to some things and 'no' to others, ready for whatever the next year throws out & freedom to dream.
Saturday 9th December 10–3pm, 2023
Your investment is $100,
A light lunch is included
Max & Bronwyn will guide you in a range of ways to travel through the day.
​To find out more about Bronwyn & Max's training, worldviews and experience visit ABOUT US
"I believe that evaluated reflection turns experience into insight" John Maxwell on reflection and leadership.
A gratitude practice trains the brain to be more in tune with experiencing gratitude — a positive plus a positive, equals more positives.
You might not float in the river like Max, but we will use nature as a way to reflect.
If this resonates for you, then put aside this one day to join us to take stock before rushing into the Christmas season & be more ready to meet a new year.
What have you noticed since?
I am actually a lot calmer, even in the midst of my current crisis I am calm...
Some feedback from last year's Wrapping Up.
I have noticed the sense of gratitude if I sit and reflect .. and the opportunities available - D
Still more questions? Then let's chat.
Max 0490 663 228 Bronwyn 0439 500 909