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A desire for world peace...


In October, I wrote about the plight of one of our local koalas, the one with gunked up eyes, hanging about the base of a tree. With neighbours help, we got it to some medical help.

Unfortunately, the koala could not be saved.

The rest of the blog was about opportunities to get involved and make a difference.

The koala’s story is similiar to what is going on in our world. The world is an unsafe place for a lot of people, who suffer from negative and detrimental experiences.

Conflict appears all around us.

I remember an interview, years ago. “What is peace?” the reporter asked.

“A time between wars” was the reply. 



In counteracting this pain Bronny and I hope to create positive life experiences, through our property. Many people comment about the quietness – the wildlife – the silence – the bird songs.

It fits in with the current wellness movement. Recognising what we as people need, to be  refreshed, renewed, well.

At Fosterton you can “be nurtured by nature,” sit under the stars, swim/ bathe in the river, join one of our Retreats, walk any of our 4 labyrinths.

Be still, Breathe slow, Notice beautiful things.


To play our part further to counter the pain:

Saturday 4th May is World Labyrinth Day 

Come and join others across Australia and the World, walking as One at 1, for world peace.

People walking at 1pm their local time, creating a chain around the globe.


Someone once said after their first labyrinth walk, "That was a waste of time, all I got was a sense of peace." Surely that is never a waste.

Start with yourself, get your inner world more at peace...see if it catches on.


We too will be walking a labyrinth at Fosterton we’d love you to join us.

Saturday 4th May.

Meet outside the retreat space at 12midday, walk at 1pm.  

The only cost is time, energy and hope.   


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